Check out the new menu at our luxury villa in Kuta
When you stay at our luxury villa in Kuta we offer complimentary breakfast daily and have a range of delicious food for dinner at very reasonable prices.
Included in the complimentary breakfast is fruit juice, tea and coffee.
Breakfast – choice of
* pancakes ( plain / banana )
* eggs (poached , scrambled , fried or omolette
* toast ( jam , honey ).
Our dinner menu offers a choice of 9 dishes, but as we are not a restuarant we ask guests to choose 2 – 3 dishes between their group. We charge rp 30.000 per person per dish, so if your group orders 2 dishes it costs rp 60.000 per person, 3 dishes rp 90.000 per person.
Dinner menu –
* nasi goreng ( fried rice ) rp 30.000
* mie goreng ( fried noodles ) rp 30.000
* bihun goreng ( fried corn noodles- thin noodles ) rp 30.000
* ayam goreng ( fried chicken ) 5 pieces rp 40.000 20 pieces rp 160.000
* sate ayam ( chichen satay ) 30 piece rp 50.000
* lumpia ( spring rolls ) 5 pieces rp 50.000
* cap cay ( mixed vegetables ) rp 30.000
* sup ayam ( chichen soup ) rp 30.000
* nasi puti ( plain white rice ) rp 10.000
Kids menu –
* french fries rp 25.0000
* toasted sandwhiches rp 20.000
At our luxury private villa we also offer a BBQ banquet for rp 200.000 per person
Banquet includes prawns, tuna steak, snapper, nasi putih, nasi goreng and sambal. All seafood is bought fresh on the morning of the banquet from Jimbaran fish market.